The term “Ice-Breaker” is a cliche, but the idea is powerful. An activity that wakes up your audience and creates connection and joy, will affect the success of your whole conference.
Drum Cafe create the ultimate Ice breaker
There is always some tension in the air at the beginning of a conference… and giving each delegate a drum or boomwhacker and creating an interactive experience has the most profound effect. We take people a little out of their comfort zone and magically, they feel more present, more connected and infused with joy and a feeling of celebration.
This mood is a big shift in the energy in the room as leaves visitors focussed and energised for whatever is next.
Drum Cafe’s Ice-Breaker activity has been described as the highlight of a three day conference and one CEO said that he had NEVER experienced a more focussed audience during his welcome speech in 8 years of leading.
Drumming creates connection, connection creates energy, energy makes great conferences.
Drum Cafe Icebreakers
“This was a unique team-building experience, unlike anything we have ever done before… truly stimulating ” JOHN LEE , SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT – CNN
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85,000 events in 75 countries for 230 of the World’s top 400 companies.
We will work with you to customise our product to create an event that will fit your specific needs. Whether it be about creating community in your company or highlighting a specific idea or vision, we make the Drum Cafe corporate event relevant and meaningful as well as fun and exciting.
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